Monday, April 10, 2006

Updates...Here GOES!!!!

Man, it sure has been a crazy fast spring so far. Already March is long gone and we are almost half-way through April. There have been some crazy developments in my life since I updated this blog...
  • I quit my job @ Minitex. It just wasn't cutting it for me anymore. In late March I decided that I couldn't take it any longer (not that the job was tough by anymeans). There was some lack of oversight and I felt like I was at Target again having too many bosses and not just one boss in charge.
  • I got published in the Minnesota Daily (already wrote a post about this) and got some needed Extra Credit in my Persuasion Thoery Course
  • I found out I was accepted into the Scandinavian Urban Studies Term (SUST) program with HECUA for Fall 2006 where I will be studying abroad in Oslo Norway.
  • My brother Frank is buying a condo, my roommate Pete is buying a house near Minnehaha and I'll be going off to Norway, not sure what kevin is going to do for housing but I', sure he will find somthing. Kristen found a sublet in Dinkytown for the summer and is continuing to look for housing in the fall with her roommate Meghan H.
  • Kristen and I had our 2 year anniversary on April 4th and the weekend before saw Hamlet at the Guthrie then enjoyed dinner at Granit City in Maple Grove. For Tuesday we made steak fajitas which were deliciouse.
  • This weekend our close friends Rory and April were finally married (just kidding guys ;) and had a great wedding and reception in their home town of Marshfield Wisconsin. My brother Frank and my roommate Pete were Groomsmen and my roommate Kevin was an usher. Kristen and I were there as just plain guests but still had a really fun time relaxing at the hotel and partying through the night
  • In my PA 5221: Private Sector Development course at the University we have started our Urban Plan assignment and it is high stress.
  • Soon I will be starting our final assignment for PA5221 which is to redevelope any site in the Twin Cities. currently this is the area I have selected...

Franklin Avenue 20th through 26th St.

If anyone out there in the blogosphere has any site recommendations or knows any good architects, please send them my way. As I mentioned in a previouse post, I think this area of Minneapolis has incredible potential for major economic redevelopment in housing and commercial land uses especially due to its proximity to Augsburg and the University of Minnesota as well as great transportation access of the LRT station and I-94.

That should do it for the update for now, if I have anything shocking I'll be sure to put it here...

BTW, I should mention that I have been spending a lot of time here at It's a great forum all about Urban development in the TWC. If this is a topic that sparks your interests, I suggets you check it out

unitl next time,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice blog! I will bookmark the Mpls Forum site. It seems to me that they have some good discussions on there.