Saturday, April 28, 2007

Kristen wants a cat...

...and here's the source of the desire:

Nora, the Piano playing cat

-The best part of the video is how Nora, nuzzles herself on the keys while playing

Kristen has always been a pet lover and her farm in Dassel always has cats in the big white barn. I want to someday own a cat with Kristen, and name him Agrippa, he could be the general of the house. I would be like, "Agrippa!! Come and get your food!"..And he would be like "MEOW!!" then I'd say "Hey, you don't talk to me like that". It's a lot funnier talking then typing about it I guess.

The only problem is that I am allergic to cats, I haven't been exposed to them as much as Kristen has, so I would need to get some allergy medication to mitigate the nasal effects of the little fur ball.

Enjoy the video of Nora playing the piano and be sure to visit the YouTube link I provided above the embeded clip.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A letter to the Terminator of California...I mean Governor

Having recently read that Governor Schwarzeneggar plans to cut funding for the California High Speed Rail plan, I wrote him a letter asking him to reconsider:

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,
My name is Andrew Wambach, I am a senior Urban Studies undergraduate at the University of Minnesota. This semester I am writing on the topic of High Speed Rail for the United States, specifically the Midwest. During my research, I stumbled upon the California High Speed Rail Authority's presentation on developing High Speed Rail to link California's major city centers by 2030. It is my hope that you will support this plan and be the true moderate Republican you have become.
I have to admit, I was skeptical when you took office. Not being a resident of California it was easy for me to tease and mock along with other Democrats "oh watch out for the Governator", then again our state did have Jessie "the Mind" Ventura, and he helped build our first and so far only Light Rail line.
It was when you began to distance yourself from President Bush and to address the issues of global warming and how California can innovate and prosper by creating new High Tech jobs and leading the way for the rest of the country in solving these problems that you should hope to be a good politician.
In a similar way, High Speed Rail accomplishes this and fits into your plan of renewable energy and sustainable development for California and the next 20-30 years.
While High Speed Rail exists in the Northeast Corridor between New York and Boston, California's plan could have rammifications for the West and Midwest and truly lead to passenger rail rebirth, not under Amtrak, but under the for-profit State High Speed Authoritys.
We need the first one that connects the lartgest state of the Union Governor Schwarzeneggar; California's is the best in regards to ridership, benefits to buisness and redevelopment, and protecting California's environment. Think of the boon to tourism as well.
California is the 5th largest economy in the world, don't be Jeb Bush and slowly kill a project by reducing funding or repealing amendments.
I hope California continues to prosper under your leadership and that the goodwill you have shown to the green revolution was legitimate.
Thank you,
P.S. Have always been a fan of your films, Commando is an all time classic as well as your signature role: The Terminator.

Regards from Minnesota,

Andrew Wambach
University of Minnesota

-We'll see if I get a response. Coming down the the wire in regards to the thesis, seems to be all I can talk about lately. Had a job interview for the summer with the city of Fridley in their Code Enforcement Department as an intern. I should hear back from them tomorrow whether I have received the position or not.

Hoping to have some employment after graduation, so that I can buy a new camera and take some more pictures with the Kristen and myself.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Something that has been occupying a lot of my time

And Finally it is to a point where I can stop. For the past couple of weeks I have been working on a presentation to go along with my Senior Thesis: The Need for High Speed Rail in the Midwest. What began as a few bits and pieces from other movies acquired online at a length of roughly 4-5 minutes, has now evolved into a close to 9 minute project. Last week at our class meeting, I asked my professor if I could use it for the presentation to which she said no :-(.
However, I showed her the clip I was most proud of (Part 3 of the video which I will embed from YouTube) an she said that it looked like I had put a lot of work into it, and that I should be putting this much work into my paper instead.

Here is the finished product:

I am thinking about shortening it and submitting it to the sustainability film contest, submissions are due next week. However, I have a lot to do still with my paper and with only a few weeks left of the semester, there is not a lot of time to waste time...

As for news, Friday morning (April 20th, 2007) I had a job interview with the Minneapolis Housing Inspection services division through the office of Public Safety in Downtown Minneapolis. I feel pretty confident about the interview and should hear back from them soon. I also have applications circulating some of the Community Development positions of cities around the Twin Cities, yet, so far I have only heard that my applications were received but not if I am to have a chance for an interview.
Hopefully I can have some form of employment after graduation (May 11th) and try to figure out where I should concentrate my skills acquired through the Urban Studies Program.

Enjoy the film