Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hurray For Cabins

Woke up this morning, had myself some bacon… I know it doesn’t sound as good as The Sopranos, but it works for this post. Kristen and I got up this morning at around 10:30 and were greeted by coffee with crème-brullet coffee mate, pancakes and bacon, and the smell of warm maple syrup.
After breakfast, the four of us got dressed and spent most of the morning getting the dock in the lake through levering and adjusting cement blocks left and right. We also brought the boatlift down and got it ready to be put in as well. Afterwards, we enjoyed some Ham and Swiss sandwiches along with some apples and Pringles. Having refueled, all of us settled into some reading and light napping. Kristen and I attempted to catch some shuteye on the couch; however, Kristen started making odd noises and woke everyone up.
The three of us, Kristen, myself, and Frank Sr., fresh from our nap started preparing to put the boatlift in. We inflated the tubes and with some levering and pulling, donning some chest weightiers and successfully got the boatlift in place.
Afterwards, all of us enjoyed some baked chicken and rice prepared by my Mom. Then Kristen and I set out to rebuild our fire bit that had been eroded when the ice moved out in the spring. Many of the rocks that formed the fire pit had sunk into the beach and some had to be dug out before they could be moved. It took some time, however the move should help give us some more beach and worry less about rebuilding each spring. Overtime the rocks will sink and through fires a nice layer of ash will build up for a flat surface for coals. I got my Minnesota sweatshirt all dirty in the process; thankfully Dave Adam’s wife Pat let me use their washing machine and cleaned my Minnesota sweatshirt. Their daughter Chrissie, who went to Madison, dropped it off later in the evening joking that she felt unclean touching it.
The rest of the evening was spent making popcorn, watching an old episode of the new season of Dr. Who on Sci-Fi, and watching the last few episodes of Season 1 of The Sopranos.
Tomorrow the plan is for Kristen and I to get fishing licenses and to try our luck on Tuluby. Hopefully we can build a fire in the new pit to break it in a little bit and use some of the wood that my folks harvested from behind the garage last fall.
Monday, we are heading back to the Twin Cities. Hopefully, Kristen and I can catch some flicks, do some packing and moving, and then attend Kristen’s brother’s prom on Saturday evening.

Hopefully we’ll be able to spend a lot of time at the cabin this summer and get plenty of projects completed as well as host the annual Frank and Ta’s cabin party sometime in July. In the meantime, I have a lot of planning to do in preparation for Norway and next year.

Until next time,


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