House Minority Leader Marty Seifert, R-Marshall, who labored to hold his tiny caucus together against a gas- tax increase last session, maintained Tuesday that "there are other places to get money before taxes."In response to that statement, here is our short list of alternative revenue sources; enjoy.
5. Replace the bridge bake sale
4. Republican Talent Show…oh wait nevermind
3. Tolls on ALL Minnesota Bridges…It’s a fee, in keeping with Pothole Pawlenty
2. Carol Molnau Dunk Tank at the Minnesota State Fair
…and the Number 1 “other places to get money before taxes” for Minnesota’s Transportation crisis is....
1. Naming rights for the I-35W bridge.
You can create your own list at home for alternatives sources of revenue and send them to Marty Seifert c/o and your state representatives.
Update: August 9th, 2007
Other great ideas that we have had submitted to us:
"Win a date with Norm Coleman!" silent auction. His wife could take the photos.
Raffle tickets to the governors fishing trip
and lastly
"Bridge Rememberance Christmas Wreath" And in an especially sentimental touch, $35 for each one
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