Today the Minnesota Senate District 47 DFL held their district convention this morning at Oxbow Elementary School in Champlin Minnesota. The convention started at ten this morning and things came to a close around three this afternoon.
I attended the convention as a delegate for SD 47B in Brooklyn Park’s w-e-p 06 along with my parents. This was the second step in my first caucus, that was held in February and had record breaking attendance on Super Tuesday , and involved sub-caucusing for delegate nominations to the state DFL convention which will be held later in April. We got to hear support from all of the major DFL candidates including Franni Franken who was campignging for her husband Al Franken (our family is supporting him), and former state senator Steve Kelly, who spoke on behalf of Mike Ciresi. In all honesty, I wish Steve Kelly was running this year, but I am glad to have had the opportunity to meet him and thank him for his support for Gopher Stadium and his continuing support of Minnesota Transportation issues. Many of the other regulars and die-hards attended and spoke as well.
I was extremely impressed with the impressive number of People Ashwin Madia was able to have come out for support. It will be an interesting battle for the third congressional district as Madia, Bonoff, and the republican candidate Erik Paulsen (source Wikipedia) face off for this seat. In my personal opinion, Madia possesses an impressive record and with his military training would make him a great Mayoral candidate for any of the cities in the Northwestern Suburbs of Minnesota. However, I , along with my parents, will be supporting Terri Bonoff In the race for the 3rd District for her ability to defeat Republicans in two heavily conservative cities; Minnetonka and Plymouth.
Most exciting for me today was that my resolution from the caucus was included for the 2008 Resolutions to be voted on for approval:
Be it resolved that Mn/DOT fairly and promptly ensure that the traffic problems of the northwest metro, and the ongoing barriers to economic growth and development that go along with them, are not ignored; and, in particular, that it address without further delay the “Devil’s Triangle” (the intersections of 85th Ave., US Hwy 169, and CR-81) and the completion of Hwy 610.
I will have to check and see how the voting went later on this weekend.
Been meaning to post on a number of topics, yet it is funny how the time slips away. Glad to see that the KU has returned to blogging, and is in the job search mode. Like many of the Minnesotan’s I am also looking forward to Spring and am in the process of planning a trip to the Grand Canyon and Arizona with my Dad around Mid-March (so a few weeks, not much time to plan!!).
Tonight, Kristen and I are planning on hanging out with some friends and then seeing Teeth at the Uptown Theater at Midnight. I hope to post about the film later in the week.